Thursday, November 28, 2019
Henry VIII And Louis XIV Essay Research free essay sample
Henry VIII And Louis XIV Essay, Research Paper Henry VIII and Louis XIV Henry VIII and Louis XIV were both work forces whose achievements on a national degree for their several states of England and France were great, but whose really different personal jobs gave them a negative feeling in history. The two leaders had really different opinion manners, but with a few similar subjects throughout. Possibly the best thing to look at first is their very different attitudes toward God and God? s power in monarchy and province. Henry VIII on England grew up as a really strong Catholic, at the insisting of his female parent and male parent. He was known to be? a adult male of day-to-day devotionals, puting an illustration for his people? ( Canon 76 ) . His ain Hagiographas, most particularly a book of Catholicity entitled The Sanctoreum earned him the rubric from Pope Leo III the rubric? Defender of the Faith. We will write a custom essay sample on Henry VIII And Louis XIV Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? His book had served as an reply to the instructions of Martin Luther, a adult male whose principals Henry subsequently put into consequence in his really ain state, in the Protestant Reformation. France, nevertheless, was a really strongly Catholic state where the Roman church had a great trade of influence. Louis, although supposed non to be a really fastidious devote of the faith, or any faith, took portion in a minor reorganisation of the Roman Catholic Church inside France. It is evident now that Louis fundamentally went along with the reforms dictated by the Catholic Pope in respects to faith. In economic affairs, the two swayers possibly differed even more greatly. Henry was a fastidious economic expert, frequently noticing about the disbursal of things at the royal tribunal, and taking action to hold whatever the latest discourtesy to the exchequer happened to be. Louis, nevertheless, spent abundantly, saving no disbursal for himself or his Lords. His ultimate end was one time once more to do the tribunal of France the centre of manner and art one time once more. He created Versailles, a freak of Baroque art, most of it gilded with pure gold and other cherished metal. It is a straggling state estate with an even more dramatic exterior than interior. Louis bankrupted the Treasury of France through another extrvangance every bit good: his wars. Louis fought four major wars. His great purpose was to do himself supreme in Europe. As a start, he planned to suppress all lands west of the Rhine River. He gained several of import districts, but was ever checked by the confederations that other states formed to oppose him. In the War of Spanish Succession, England took an of import portion in get the better ofing him, taking to animus between the two states and their several swayers. This war, which ended in 1714, left France exhausted and weakened. Both work forces had a common ability to see the goodness in other work forces as royal advisers. Both hired surprisingly intelligent and wise work forces to run their personal businesss for them, possibly Henry even more than Louis XIV. One of Henry? s head advisers is immortalized in Shakespeare? s? The Life and Times of Kind Henry VIII? . Cardinal Wolsey is spoken of at that place as? a adult male such as history had neer yet laid their eyes upon, a adult male who could hold others acquire his ain will enforced? ( Shakespeare 78 ) . Wolsey spent small clip at the British tribunal, but the clip he spent was valuable. He served as head adviser to a immature, freshly crowned, and waxy King Henry. He formed Henry? s thoughts about authorities, spoke for the sovereign in assembly, and reputedly taught Henry everything he knew about economic sciences from an early age. Two other advisers are besides known to history as functioning in Henry? s subsequently life, Thomas Cromwell and Thomas More. Similarly, Louis XIV, in a grade of true mastermind, was wise plenty to appoint person wiser than himself to run the authorities. He had many, and curiously, most of their names have been erased from history. Jean Baptise Colbert, adviser to Louis in his formative old ages as a sovereign, subsequently wrote in prison, ? The adult male was a sap, but would non environ himself with other saps? ( Olivier 178 ) . In their personal lives, the sovereign had a great figure of similarities. Both Henry VIII and Louis XIV were fond of adult females, drink, and argument. Henry is possibly most celebrated for his six married womans, and the bloody ends that most of them came to. Out of six, merely two were non banished, publically executed, or otherwise humiliated. A speedy summation: Katharine Aragon of Spain, Henry? s foremost bride. She was banished from royal position and stripped of her rubric after she failed to bring forth boies and Henry fell in love with a immature lady in waiting named Anne Boleyn. Anne Boleyn: was executed for criminal conversation and charges of witchery. Jane Seymour: recorded in history as the lone married woman Henry genuinely loved. Died a few hebdomads after giving birth to Henry? s much wanted boy. Anne of Clefs: Princess of Germany who was non beautiful in Henry? s eyes, and was sent off. Catherine Howard: Commoner executed for criminal conversation. Catherine Parr: Outlived Henry. Henry jousted in many tourneies until a leg hurt prevented this type of activity. He besides grew rather sick and corpulent in ulterior life, but neer lost his love of athleticss and other athletic activities. Louis XIV liked to watch the tourneies more than he liked to really participate in them. But his lascivious wonts did non differ much from those of his neighbour across the Channel. He was married to Queen Marie Therese, but reportedly had at least ten other kept womans at one clip. He had three kids by his married woman, but purportedly twelve other illicit kids by his kept womans. It was, in fact, some of these personal wonts that led to the ruins of the sovereign. Henry VIII, who had been the great? Defender of the Faith? in his earlier old ages, was in a spot of a quandary. He no longer wanted to be married to his aging married woman, piously Catholic Katharine of Aragon. He was in love with a immature lady named Anne Boleyn. Any Catholic knows that divorce is frowned upon. But in order to get married Anne, Henry needed this divorce. He broke from the Catholic church, and, with the aid of Thomas Cromwell, another top adviser, created the Church of England. Unfortunately, to pass over out all cells of resistance, Henry was forced to destruct many who did non back up this interruption with the Church. Another thing lending to Henry? s ruin was his unwellness. Legend has it that Anne Boleyn? s spirit took retaliation on the 1 who had ordered her executing. It is more likely, harmonizing tomany modern historiographers, that Henry had a virus much like that which his male parent died of. He suffered a painful terminal: invariably coughing up blood, and crippled by a flaring leg hurt. For the last few old ages of his life, he was unable to regulate his state good, and power fled from England. Louis XIV had a really different job. His trouble was merely that he spent more than France could afford. Not merely had the edifice of Versailles badly disabled the Treasury, his excessive disbursement on his assorted kept womans and illicit kids got out of manus. He was to the point, by the terminal of his reign, of puting up a well-found and equipped estate for each of these households. Not merely that, but the Spanish War of Succession badly crippled the exchequer, and Louis neer could genuinely raised the revenue enhancements plenty to cover his love of these? small wars? and adult females. Louis was known in Europe for being the longest reigning male monarch in all of modern history. He kept tribunal at his assorted castles and fought in his wars for about 72 old ages. After his cheif adviser Jean Baptiste Colbert died in 1685, the reign of the Sun King became less canonized. He forced the baronial households to remain at tribunal at Versailles, making the job of absentee landlords for the common mans, who lived in comparative poorness compared to the great luster of Versailles. Louis died bit by bit of disease, and after his reign, political influence in France declined greatly for a figure of old ages. However, France remembers him in a much better manner than history admires Henry the VIII. Both sovereigns suffered troubled lives, and still managed to carry through great things for England and France. Henry VIII raised scientific consciousness and grasp for art that had antecedently been absent from England. Louis Fourteen added a new dimension to the humanistic disciplines such as the universe had neer seen. His reign was known as ranking above all others in art and literature, every bit good as dance. And yet, even today they are remembered for the most portion their weaknesss, Henry for his marital problems and Louis for his economic extravagancies. It might make better to weigh the pros and cons of history alternatively of unsighted judgement on the footing of few facts when thought of Henry VIII and Louis XIV.
Monday, November 25, 2019
George Bush essays
George Bush essays George W. Bushs War on Terror now seems to include the potential for the use of military force against Iraq. Whose right is it to declare war? Does the President have the power, the Congress? Some think that Congress has the Constitutional power to declare war, while others believe that the President obtains that power. The Presidents power in both domestic and foreign affairs has changed considerably throughout history. Depending on the President and the war, decisions on war can be put in both the hands of the President and the Congress, it is best when they both support the same decision, but overall the President has the power. Today it seems that the president holds more power to declare war than years ago. An example of this is shown in George W. Bushs War on Terror against terrorists, such as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. George W. Bush has taken full control on going to war against terrorists. It seems that most American peoples feel that the President is doing the right thing, whether it be out of revenge, or justice, he has the support. As commander in chief of the armed forces, the president has the power to formulate and direct military strategy and actions in times of war and peace. As the country's principal military commander, the president is responsible for the nation's security and the safety of its citizens. He does what he feels is right although congress may not always agree. The Constitution may grant Congress the power to declare war, however, historically the president has had nearly total freedom to send troops into combat. A series of presidents-Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon-waged war in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war from Congress. In my personal opinion, I feel that it should be always best to have Congress and the American people supporting your decision in war. I feel this way because not only does the deci...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crumbs from the table of joy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crumbs from the table of joy - Essay Example Godfrey with his puritan strictures, forces the family to the belief of the living messiah. He even scribbles question, which he believes will arise when he eventually meet the Father for one-on-one, a situation that does not materialize at all. A new them is brought forth when Lily is introduced; the theme of communism. There is a turn of events when Lily, the sister-in-law to Godfrey enters. The play describes her as a juke-joint maven (a term used to describe joint places of the blacks, associated with disorderliness) who has been brought in to take care of Ernestine and Ermina and also to provide guidance to the two. She begins to set up unwelcome residence. They fall apart with Godfrey, who detests her flirting habit and lavish lifestyle, and more so, her communist ideologies, which Ernestine takes as the sole truth. One can tell that Lily has planned to rekindles the history that they had with Godfrey, and to be more than just a surrogate to the girls. She intends to get intimate with Godfrey, a situation that forces Godfrey to move out of the house and gets into unprompted marriage with the Gerte, a white German. Refinement is definitely not the maxim for this play. Though the play was initially commissioned as part of the plans targeting the teens, which was never a surprise, nonetheless it never came as a bad thing. Through the presentation of invigorating topics that surround a family portrayed with diverse character, Nottage successfully manages to soften what one would refer to as educational pummeling. Equally, the manner in which Nottage has structured the scenes around Ernestine narrative references to house, clearly, one is reminded of the these events resonates with the with the interpretation of events by teenagers, at a time when the shades of age was hard to come by. At this end, the theme of injustice is brought about. As Ernestine
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Derby Castles Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Derby Castles Management - Assignment Example The succeeding part of the document will delve directly on presenting these problems. Robin Hood can develop a SMART Goals by making a comprehensive, actionable, flexible, and goals that could be able to shift together with the shifting market demands. It should be based on perceived reality and possibilities of change in the future. Before the goals are set, Robin Hood should first identify the real essence and purpose of the organization. "Develop a long-term relationship with the customers through providing value-based services, hassle free transaction processing through the use of information wise systems of customer accommodation in order to gain customer loyalty, which will lead to profitability." Poor Marketing Strategy - Marion Montgomery, the marketing manager shared the marketing strategy they had utilized as one of the secrets behind the success of attracting diverse types of visitors-customers. She is to some extent confident that their main line in their advert which says "Derby Castle - the finest mediaeval castle in England" is a full package description of the castles features. But she does not discount the Castle's unique state of preservation, the breadth of attractions it offers, its location on the banks of the River Trent or its thousand-year span of history. In general, the advert is ineffective in the sense that it has only served lesser information than what is needed. The management is ignoring the fact that different people would have different reaction to what we can consider a poetic line, and each have different preferences in based on their expectations of the overall performance in exchange for their payment. Historical Values against Financial Values - This talks about the real value of the site. Montgomery said that "Coca-Cola have offered us a sponsorship deal. They will give us money for a particular project which will increase our revenue and also the number of visitors we are getting. The problem is that Coca-Cola is the epitome of youth and fizz while the Castle's target market is adults ABC 1, average age
Monday, November 18, 2019
Industrial Research Paper on employment agencies and staffing agencies
Industrial on employment agencies and staffing agencies - Research Paper Example The performance and the industryââ¬â¢s trends are presented so that the role of the specific industry in the development of the local economy is made clear. The employment agencies of a well developed region of US, Boston, are also presented in order to show whether these agencies can perform high both at local and at national level. 2. Employment and staffing agencies in US ââ¬â overview and characteristics Employment and staffing agencies have a critical role in the development of the US economy. The 10 largest employment and staffing agencies in US are presented in Table 1 (Appendix); in the above Table companies are ranked according to the revenue of their staff for the year 2011. In the particular table it is made clear that the variety of areas covered is the key criterion for employment agencies operating nationwide while at local level specialization seems to be more important, as in the case of Boston analyzed below. According to a report published by the American Sta ffing Association, the employment and staffing agencies operating across US help towards the hiring of about 12.9 million of people annually (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). It is also noted that the high majority of staff identified through these agencies is full time staff, at a percentage of about 79% (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). ... On the other hand, businesses value employment and staffing agencies because these agencies are able to offer to employers the chance to identify staff that will be more appropriate for a permanent role but also because these agencies are the most appropriate solution for identifying staff during busy periods (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). It should be noted that during the recent financial crisis, the employment and staffing agencies in US helped towards the stabilization of economy, contributing in the hiring of 786,000 people from 2009 to 2012 (American Staffing Association 2012). Still, the consequences of the recession on the industryââ¬â¢s performance have been severe being characterized by ââ¬Ëthe loss of about 1.2 million jobs in the particular industry during the first 18 months of the crisisââ¬â¢ (American Staff Association 2012). In the future, the industryââ¬â¢s firms could face the marketââ¬â¢s challenges by focusing on temporar y and part-time roles that are highly popular, compared to the permanent positions (Rossheim 2012). 2a. Staffing agencies in Boston In Boston, there is increased need for staff specialized on particular subjects. Reference is made, especially to the tech sector but also to the finance and accounting sector. The areaââ¬â¢s job market seems to offer many prospects to appropriately qualified candidates; still, the identification of these candidates is quite problematic, as revealed through the article of Farrell (2012). Most employment agencies operating in Boston are characterized as ââ¬Ëclient-intimateââ¬â¢ (Shaheen 2012), meaning that each staffing agency focuses on the promotion of interests of employers; in other words, in Boston ââ¬Ëemployers are considered as
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Labour Party and New Labour
The Labour Party and New Labour The Labour Party is a political party in the United Kingdom. Founded at the start of the 20th century, it has been since the 1920s the principal party of the left in Britain. Its formation was the result of many years of hard effort by working people, trade unionists and socialists, united by the goal of changing the British Parliament to represent the interests of everybody. The labour Party had been a promoter of social democracy. Social democracy is a form of socialism which aims to reform the capitalist system to reduce social inequality and promote social justice. The core values of the social democracy can be seen in the old Clause IV which supported; equality, redistribution of wealth, social justice, nationalisation, full employment and welfare for all. The dominance of the Conservative Thatcher government with its New Right policies in British politics created a situation which made it increasingly difficult for labour to have any credible influence in the running of the country. The Labour party was seen as a spent force, with its tired policies being viewed as irrelevant and out of touch with the modern world. Something had to change ideologically within the party in order for Labour to have any realistic chance of being re-elected in the near future. When Tony Blair was elected the leader of the Labour party on 21 July 1994, the Conservative party had been in power for 15 years. One of Tony Blair statements about the need for modernisation of the party was very upbeat .Writing in the New Statesman, he stated that the reason we have been out of power for fifteen years is simple -that society changed and we refused to change with it(Marxism Today, 1998;p11) In previous general elections the British electorate had chosen to be governed by the Conservative party. Blairs goal was to make the Labour party electable again with the help of his New Labour rebranding. One of the first tasks Blair took was to re-write Clause IV from the Labour constitution in 1995, to eleminate the commitment to common ownership and in effect to the old style social democracy. These were replaced by commitments to the free market, to the environment, to the ending of discrimination and to equality of opportunity for all. New Labour was first termed as an alternative branding for the Labour Party, dating from a conference slogan first used by the Labour Party in 1994 which was later seen in a draft manifesto published by the party in 1996, called New Labour, New Life For Britain. After becoming leader of the party in 1994, Blair made a decisive break away from Old Labours traditional political stance. In policy terms New Labour often refer to themselves as The Third Way between Old Labour, which they believe to be too radical, and New Right which they consider to have been overly concerned by the principle of laissez-faire and individualism. The Third Way sought to find a middle ground between two rather conflicting ideologies. Traditional Socialism proposed collectivist solutions to most economic and social problems: state ownership of the means of production and major industries, an extensive welfare state, strong trade unions and high levels of personal taxation to finance the redistribution of wealth and income. The New Right, on the other hand, championed free market capitalism, the pursuit of individual self interest, a smaller, reduced role for the state, free labour markets and low levels of personal taxation. Debate and questions have been raised about the political nature of the New Labour and Third Way. The core of them is a question if the Labour party has been changed and modernised indeed, or whether New Labour is in fact Old Labour, which had to use prefix new in order to recall the votes and to return in power? The public discussion of this issue become more intense with labours landslide victory in 1997 .In the late 1980,s party went through a process of policy review. This process provoked reactions from many scholars Some critics argue that new labour is indeed new in the one or the other way (e.g. Heffernan, 2001) other state that it does not represent a break with its younger past but remarks a return to an older paradigm of social democracy (e.g. Shaw,1996) Dealing with specific ideological problem two standpoints can be observed. On the one hand ,some scholar define New labour in many ways as Neo-liberals project which is, in many aspect ,similar to Thatcherism (Hay ,1999 : Heffernan 2001,) Others argue that it does not embrace the absolute social-democracy orthodoxy but still belongs to the family of socialist ideas-even if in a more modern way. Some in this group claim that New Labour managed to find the third way indeed: trying to keep balance between economic success and social i nclusion, between market and society (e.g. Giddens 1998; p7-9). One part of the debate consists of discussion if new labour includes renewed ideology or it if it only presents a new image. Tony Blair implied that new labour ideology, instead of giving importance to state control, class struggle and equality as would be the case with Old Labour-gives much importance to a stable and competitive market, social inclusion and the attainment of economic growth. In Blairs words higher educational standard are the key to international competitive and inclusive society for the future (Blair,1998:p18) New labour strategy is not based on class-distinction .different from old labour which is biased in favour of the working instead ,new labour puts forward an all embracing category that focuses on community .The enemies of new labour are no longer portrayed as belonging to the ruling or middle classes, but are those who are portrayed as harming the community . Such findings relate to class identification. Tony Blair famously declared in 1998 that were all middle class now and has consistently maintained that the class war is over those are the old divisions that we need to get over by, for instance, restructuring education and the labour market . For example ,as Blair argued, education is the best economic policy there is(Driver and Martell,1998:p57) New labour seeks to move from a passive to an active, preventive welfare state. The welfare system should be proactive ,preventing poverty by ensuring that people have the right education, training and support. Tony Blair will commit himself to equality, rejecting Old Labour demands for equality of outcome and defining it as equal opportunities for all in education, employment and as citizens. Opportunity for all was indicated as a goal of New Labour with other similar expressions such as fairness, and social justice as well as other concept of objectives were, sometimes, added with it like equal worth in New Labours language. Then what does actually opportunity for all mean in their context? White (1998) argues that it involves a commitment to real opportunity for basic goods such as employment and education. First of all, as Driver Martell (2000) and Fairclough (2000) indicate, opportunity for all contrasted with, traditional socialists value, equality, in particular, equality of outcome. In other words, it shifted the meaning of social justice from equality of outcome to equality of opportunity. Public spending and taxation is one of the areas where the New labour under Tony Blair is most clearly different from old labour. Policies towards state pensions provide a clear example. Many scholars hold that New labour ideology, strategy and policies are adopted by the Conservative Government. Some key parts of its inheritance from the conservative are identified like attempts to control public spending .privatisation, the growth of means testing and the growth of inequality. New Labour has been very enthusiastic towards the voluntary sector just as the Thatcher government embraced the voluntary sector in the name of liberty and enterprise, New Labour has in the name of community renewal and contributory citizenship. New Labours economic policy is built around the consolidation of a close working relationship between the government and employers, where trade union power hardly features. Although economic policy would not be different from the one that Conservatives introduced, some policies like social welfare aspects would be adjusted in such a way that it would be in favour of society for example, giving extra funding for health and education without significant changes to income taxation. There is a stress on discarding the Conservative reforms that failed, but keeping those that worked .New Labour phrase what counts is what works (Powell, 1999) Tony Blair argued that some things the conservatives got right; we will not change them, where they got things wrong that we will make change (Labour Party, 1997) Blairs conservatism is also reflected in his adoption of the language of the new right: Labours policy documents on welfare and poverty are permeated by the notions of welfare dependency, community, family, obligations,,duties and responsibilities. Rights and entitlements to benefits, and decent schools, healthcare and housing hardly feature at all in this perspective. Under slogan of making work pay, it is intended that the minimum wage, and a partial fusing of the tax and benefit system will ensure that people who move from welfare to work should be financially better. The New Deal Policy of welfare-to-work ,The Working Families Tax Credit scheme are clearly set out within New Labours 1997 Election Manifesto and are seen as a key part of New Labours Third Way policy, which is phrased by the acronym PAP (Pragmatism and Populism). In a series of publications from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1998a and 1998b), the Department for Education and Employment (1997), the Department of Social Security (1998) and the Social Exclusion Unit (1998), the institutional structure to progress New Labours urban policy objectives was set out. It was clear from these publications that New Labour saw area-based urban policies as no more than add-ons to mainline policies for housing, health, income support and education. Like Conservatives, Blairs government stressed the interactive nature of urban policy: centrally funded local programmes were set within the wider context of New Labours national programme of social policy reforms in such areas as health, education and the New Deal Welfare for work. In his speech to the 1997 Labour Party conference Blair argued that a decent society is not based on rights. It is based on duty. Our duty to each other. To all should be given opportunity; from all responsibility demanded. There is a pervasive conservatism at the heart of New Labour which forms the basis of Blairs much vaunted vision of a new society. Blair talks of creating a new settlement between the individual and society, wherein the stress on the individual will be accompanied by a new role for social institutions such as family, community and the state. At the forefront of this process is an attack on those on a range of benefits, but this is a wedge to drive a wider agenda of welfare restructuring where we all have the responsibility to provide for our pensions, our healthcare, the education of our children and so on. State provision is to be removed or, at the very least, residualised and stigmatised. This is an agenda to continue with the Tories strategy of privatising what is left of the public sector and cutting the social wage. Although there seems to be a significant continuation of policy in many areas there ate differences as well. The similarities and differences between New Labour and Thatcherism hold varying degrees of importance in these theories. Tony Blair demurred from the Thatcherites in a number of areas, although they were never keen to emphasise them too hard. Unlike her, he wanted a much more cordial relationship with the European Union: unlike her, he wanted a more socially liberal society, and many of his supporters see the introduction of civil partnerships as one of New Labours most enduring changes. Unlike her, he enacted changes to the constitution. Certainly Labours first move was pure free market. The Bank of England gained the freedom to set interest rates and pursue inflation targets. It was bold. Even the Tories had refused to do it, despite pressure from the Adam Smith Institute. The Labour also managed to introduce legislations for Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly and reform House of Lords. Conclusion Although the majority of the policies which have been adopted by New Labour seem to be pushing for a neo-liberal or free market political agenda, it is difficult to collectively identify the party under a single ideological heading, because of the varying political stance it has taken on a range of issues. Furthermore I have explained to what extent New Labours social policies can be considered similar to those pursued by previous Conservative government. In general New labour has a clearly distinctive approach from Old Labour, however some policy adoption can be noted with the Conservatives, particularly in the areas of public expenditure, privatisation, the mixed economy, and welfare-to-work. Bibliography: Atkinson, R. and Moon, G. (1994). Urban Policy in Britain. The City, the State and the Market, Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Blair, T. (1998). The Third Way: New Politics for a New Century London: Fabians Society Blair, T. (1996). New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country. London: Fourth Estate. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1998a: Regeneration Programmes the way forward, London: DETR. Department for Education and Employment, 1997: Welfare to Work Employment Zones. Department of Social Security, 1998: New Ambitions for Our Country: A New Contract for Welfare. London: DSS Giddens, A.(1998). The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy. Cambridge: Polity Press Giddens, A. (2000). The third way and its critics. Cambridge: Polity Press Hay, C. and Marsh, D. (2000). Demystifying Globalisation Basingstoke: Macmillan Heffernan, R. (2001). New Labour and Thatcherism: Political Change in Britain. Basingstoke: Macmillan
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Letter to College Freshmen Students :: essays research papers
As a new freshman entering this Community College, you will be discovering and experiencing many new things about the world in which you live and yourself. The jump from high school to college can be a very scary but exciting experience. I have some valuable advice for you on how to make this transition smoother and an enjoyable experience rather than a scary and lonely one. My number one piece of advice is for you to enter this experience with an open mind. If you come into this new situation with a good outlook and a positive attitude, your experience will be a lot more rewarding. Now that you are on your own and have very limited restrictions, it can be easy to slip into bad habits that could get you into trouble. Here you do not have a parent to tell you when to go to bed, or when to study, or not to go out, or not to party, or to remind you to go to class. It is all up to you and your self-control. You must have great self-discipline and a motivated attitude in order to succeed. You have to want to be here and make the best of your experience. This one being your first year in college, you may have trouble concentrating while you study. Some techniques that can help your concentration are being selective, relaxing, and over learning. Being selective means to make choices about what is most important to learn. When you are studying, you should be able to know what may or may not be on the test, your notes for the week can be helpful. In addition, pay attention to charts, tables, and illustrations that you think may appear on the test. Relaxing is a good technique to use because when you are relaxed you are able to absorb more information. One way to relax is to use a breathing technique (inhale, count from one to ten, and exhale, and count from one to ten, and so on). Over learning can help you fight mental vagueness. When you are struggling in a class, it is best for you to learn more than you need to know about the subject. You can use these techniques every time you are studying or when you cannot concentrate. A Letter to College Freshmen Students :: essays research papers As a new freshman entering this Community College, you will be discovering and experiencing many new things about the world in which you live and yourself. The jump from high school to college can be a very scary but exciting experience. I have some valuable advice for you on how to make this transition smoother and an enjoyable experience rather than a scary and lonely one. My number one piece of advice is for you to enter this experience with an open mind. If you come into this new situation with a good outlook and a positive attitude, your experience will be a lot more rewarding. Now that you are on your own and have very limited restrictions, it can be easy to slip into bad habits that could get you into trouble. Here you do not have a parent to tell you when to go to bed, or when to study, or not to go out, or not to party, or to remind you to go to class. It is all up to you and your self-control. You must have great self-discipline and a motivated attitude in order to succeed. You have to want to be here and make the best of your experience. This one being your first year in college, you may have trouble concentrating while you study. Some techniques that can help your concentration are being selective, relaxing, and over learning. Being selective means to make choices about what is most important to learn. When you are studying, you should be able to know what may or may not be on the test, your notes for the week can be helpful. In addition, pay attention to charts, tables, and illustrations that you think may appear on the test. Relaxing is a good technique to use because when you are relaxed you are able to absorb more information. One way to relax is to use a breathing technique (inhale, count from one to ten, and exhale, and count from one to ten, and so on). Over learning can help you fight mental vagueness. When you are struggling in a class, it is best for you to learn more than you need to know about the subject. You can use these techniques every time you are studying or when you cannot concentrate.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Evolutionism Essay
Essay Critically discuss the Nineteenth Century theory of Evolutionism in relation to the social development of cultures. special development of cultures. Anthropology originated in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Missionaries, traders and travellers in Africa, North America, the pacific and elsewhere provided the first great anthropological works. Anthropology is the holistic study of the biological, social and cultural aspects of mankind, paying particular attention to the relationships between our physical and cultural natures and between culture and the nvironment. Anthropology is basically the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors. Early thinkersââ¬â¢ such as Hume, Smith and Montesquieu wrote about primitive institutions which they argued about amongst themselves. Their conclusions were not based on any scientific that could be tested but from principles found in their own culture. They laid the foundations for modern social anthropology believing that universal laws found in nature could be applied to human society. The thinkers were concerned with social evolution and progress. The term evolution was opularized during the 19th century by Herbert Spencer to mean cultural evolution. Evolutionists were those who believed that the cultures and life forms being studied are evolving toa particular form. Evolutionism is the idea that this universe is the result of random cosmic accidents, life arose spontaneously through chemical processes and all life forms are related and share a common ancestor. Evolution is a process of formation, growth and development from generation to generation. Socio- cultural evolutionism describes how cultures and societies have changed over time. In the nineteenth century Edward B. Tylor maintained that culture evolved from simple to complex and all societies passed through three basic stages of development which was originally suggested by Montesquieu. The three stages are called the lines of human progress which states that man evolved from savagery to barbarism and finally to civilization. Man became civilized after discovering pottery. To account for cultural variation different societies were at different stages of evolution. Simpler people of the day had not yet reached higher stages. Some ocieties were more evolve than others. Evolutionists believed Western Europe had evolved from a backward society to a more advanced society. Simpler contemporary societies were thought to resemble ancient societies. More advanced societies exhibited traces of earlier customs that survived in present day cultures, this was known as ââ¬Ësurvival. ââ¬Ë Pottery is an example of survival, earlier people made their cooking pots out of clay, today pots are most often made with metal because they are most durable but dishes are preferred to be made out of clay. Tylor correlates the hree levels of social evolution to types of religion: savages practicing animatism, barbarians practicing polytheism, and civilized man practicing monotheism. Tylor includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society,â⬠Tylor believed that because of the basic similarities common to all peoples, different societies often find the same solutions to the same problems independently. Tylor also noted that different cultural traits may spread from one society to another by a simple means of diffusion hich means the borrowing by one culture of a trait belonging to another as the result of contact between the two societies. Lewis H. Morgan was one of the most influential evolutionary theorists of the nineteenth century. In his book Ancient Society, he divided the lines of human progress into the three stages and further divided savagery and barbarism into upper, middle and lower segments. Each stage was distinguished by technological development and connected in patterns of subsistence, marriage, family, and political organization. Middle savagery was arked by the acquisition of a fish diet and the discovery of fire, upper savagery by the bow and arrow, lower barbarism by pottery, middle barbarism by animal domestication and irrigated agriculture, upper barbarism by the manufacture of iron, and civilization by the alphabet. Morgan believed family units became smaller and self contained as society became more developed. Johann J. Bachofen developed a theory of evolution of kinship systems which was agreed upon by Morgan. Morgan believed in the theory of ââ¬Ëprimitive promiscuity,ââ¬â¢ which means that human society had o sexual prohibitions and no real family structure. Primitive promiscuity can be divided into ââ¬Ëmatriliny where descent was traced through the female only, ââ¬ËpatrilinV where descent was traces through the male only and ââ¬Ëpolyandry were several husbands shred one wife. Morgan believed that family units became progressively smaller and more self-contained as human society developed. However, his postulated sequence for the evolution of the family is not supported by the enormous amount of ethnographic data that has been collected since his time. For xample, no recent society that Morgan would call savage indulges in group marriage or allows brother-sister mating. Modern social anthropologists regard these reconstructions as over amplifications of events that can never be known in detail. The efforts of early writers were only historical enquiries. At this stage it became clear that there was no evidence which could detail the earliest stages of society and few societies developed in total isolation of other human cultures or outside influence. The evolutionists became unpopular by the nd of the nineteenth century. The school of Diffusionists became popular, they brelieved tahat cultural change and progress were mainly due to borrowing because items of culture were mainly transmitted from one society to another. Despite the errors of the nineteenth century scholars, modern social anthropology owes much to their efforts because of their interest in the social institutions of different societies and the methods used to draw conclusions. The current anthropological view concentrates mainly on the institutionalized aspects (kinship, marriage and religion) of culture taking into ccount systems of belief, values and ideas. Modern anthropology relys mainly on fieldwork which is the gathering of data which organizes, describes, analyzea and interprets to build and present that account which may be in the form of a book, article or film. The latest investigations regarding early humans is that mankind civilization through the slow gain of knowledge. Reference: * Introduction to anthropology 101 (course book 2010) * Culture vs civilization http://www. edward]ayne. com/culture/fallacy. html http://www. as. ua. edu/ant/Faculty/murphy/436/evol. htm * Wikipedia
Friday, November 8, 2019
Analysis of the three projects
Analysis of the three projects Project Juniper The project is clearly at the initiation stage (Reiss, 2007). The risk profile for this project is lowest. It is likely to be complete in six months and making a profit within one year ââ¬â one of the deliverables of this project analysis. Although investing in this project does not serve the companyââ¬â¢s long-term needs, because technology will render it obsolete, it is a profit-making investment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the three projects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I would rather make profits then invest a another project in three years because, in comparison, the project that will last a long time does not look long-term ââ¬â 7 years is not much. These actions and thoughts are clearly the first two steps of Project Management ââ¬â initiation and planning (Schwalbe, 2012). Project Palomino The project is better than Juniper on two major fronts. First, it cat ers to the companyââ¬â¢s long-term needs as it employs existing technology. Second, the Return on Investment (ROI) is also higher though with higher overall investment (Jacobs Chase, 2011). Ana analysis of budget and time reveals that I would prefer Juniper to Palomino. Additionally, the risk profile is greater which may compromise implementation necessary risk mitigation techniques are not employed (Jacobs Chase, 2011). The critical path is the longest route in a network diagram that indicates the time the project will take. It is hard to construct a network diagram for a project with complex times and huge budgets but the availability of software for that purpose makes it easy. In this project, the techniques may be useful to the project manager in evaluating the progress of the project. Project Stargazer This projectââ¬â¢s recommendation of getting to the deep end of the swimming pool is too risky. Bringing in a new innovative product to the market requires too much inves tment in the analysis of the project (Jacobs Chase, 2011). Hence, the cost of analysis, which is not reflected in the description, may take up any profits that the company is likely to make in the first month. Making profits in the first month is one of the deliverables of this project. The forecasted product life of 7 years is quite appealing but risky too. However, this project, is successful, may set the company apart from the others. The management will be happy for been the innovative house. Customers will appreciate the companyââ¬â¢s innovativeness, which they will reciprocate with trust. Hence, the future may look so bright for the company (Jacobs Chase, 2011). Recommendation In light of key deliverables ââ¬â profits within the first year, time, and budget Project Stargazer is the riskiest. The budgets are high and the possibility of non-completion quite high too. However, I would recommend the project for implementation stage (Jacobs Chase, 2011). The initiation a nd planning stages take up quite some investment in budget. The stages are also quite speculative. Implementation is likely to reveal greater loopholes.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company will be investing in more than just this project because the future of the company as an innovation house will be guaranteed. Its NPV is greatest and its payback period second best. Although the budgets are almost double the other two projects, Project Stargazerââ¬â¢s benefits far outweigh the budgetary thinking. This projectââ¬â¢s project manager may find it quite useful to engage the use of a Gantt chart in managing complexity in cost and time. References Jacobs, R. Chase, B. (2011). Operations and supply management: The core. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education Reiss, G. (2007). Project Management Demystified. New York, NY: Routledge. Schwalbe, K. (2012). An in troduction to project management. Minneapolis: Kathy Schwalbe LLC.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The History of the Drug Krokodil
The History of the Drug Krokodil Krokodil is the street name for desomorphine an opiate-like drug similar to and a substitute for heroin used by addicts. Krokodil or desomorphine began its history as a patented drug. US patent 1980972 was issued to chemist, Lyndon Frederick Small for a Morphine Derivative and Processes on November 13, 1934. The drug was briefly manufactured and marketed by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche under the brand name of Permonid but was abandoned as a commercial product for its short shelf life and highly addictive nature. In the early 2000s, the drug resurfaced in Russia as krokodil, a home-brewed heroin substitute that takes about thirty minutes to manufacture from codeine pills and other substances. The home brewing of this drug includes the inclusion of impurities and toxic substances that have lead to some horrific consequences for users. Krokodil (Russian for crocodile) is named after one of the drugs major side effect, the greenish and scaly appearance of the damaged and rotting skin of users. Take one look at this Huffington Post video report and youll be quickly convinced never to try this drug. If You Dont Want It - Recycled Patents Many illicit street drugs (and even semi-legal ones) have had their origins in legitimate research done by pharmaceutical companies, research that has even resulted in patents being issued. For example, organic chemist John Huffman was the unwitting inventor of a synthetic version of marijuana. A few enterprising individuals read John Huffmans research on synthetic cannabinoids and began manufacturing and selling synthetic marijuana products such as Spice. These products were legal for a short spell of time, however, in most places they are no longer legal. Another popular street drug is MDMA or Molly as it is now called. The original formula for Molly was patented in 1913 by Merck, a German chemical company. Molly was intended to be a diet pill, however, Merck decided against marketing the drug and abandoned it. MDMA was made illegal in 1983, seventy years after it was originally invented. Heroin was once a registered trademark belonging to Bayer, the same folks that invented aspirin. A method of manufacturing heroin from the opium poppy was developed in 1874, as a substitute for morphine, and believe or not was used as a cough suppressant. The mind-bending psychedelic drug LSD was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann while working for Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland. However, it was a few years before Albert Hofmann realized what he had invented. Until 1914, cocaine was legal and even an ingredient in the soft drink Coca-Cola. The method of manufacturing cocaine from the coca leaf was invented in the 1860s. Lyndon Frederick Small 1897- 1957 A 1931 Time Magazine article discusses the work of Frederick Small Lyndon in relation to the growing opiate epidemic in the United States. ....the Bureau of Social Hygiene gave the National Research Council funds for a study of drug addiction and the invention of a drug which would do for medicine everything which the habit-forming drugs do, yet not cause habit itself. Such a harmless, beneficial drug would make the manufacture of the baneful drugs needless. Then they could be completely suppressed. Council discovered Dr. Lyndon Frederick Small, just returned from two years of study in Europe, at the University of Virginia and financed a special laboratory for him. Out of a coal tar product called phenanthrene he has synthesized several drugs which closely resemble the chemical structure and physiological action of morphine. He sends them to Professor Charles Wallis Edmunds of the University of Michigan who tests them on animals. The two are confident that within perhaps a few months they will have an authentic drug which will not make, as morphine, heroin and opium do, pasty-faced, emaciated, depraved liars, out of its users.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Anthropolgy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Anthropolgy - Essay Example The social Darwinists have the notion that the strong are supposed to see their wealth and power increasing while on the other hand, the weak are supposed to experience the decline of their wealth and power. Consequently, different social Darwinists support varying views about the groups of people that are supposed to be considered strong and those to be considered as weak. They also have varying opinions as far as the precise instruments that are supposed to be used in promoting strength and availing punitive measures are concerned. Majority of these types of views put emphasis on the competition that exists among individuals when capitalism is considered while the contrary concept that is characterized by intervention by the government in social development enhances the ideas of racism, Nazism as well as imperialism and the struggle that exists between racial and national groups. Colonialisms effects on modern culture and the resulting groups problems for these people Colonialism generally makes reference to a social system whereby political subjugation that instigated by one society leads to a cultural dominance that is characterized by social change that is enforced (Jain 48). There are cultures that do not find it hard to adopt the pragmatic trade patterns that are associated with the colonialists, but many indigenous people violently rebel and make attempts to take back their cultural sovereignty as well as economic imperialism. The indigenous people were not in a position to fight against the Europeans who had guns, were deceptive and the diseases that affected the indigenous people. A perfect example of this occurrence is the manner that the Americans killed the people that were indigenous to the land that they occupy and made them move into reserves and regardless of their attempts to control their generational land, they
Friday, November 1, 2019
BP oil company Knowledge management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
BP oil company Knowledge management - Assignment Example This is then followed by a discussion on Knowledge management leadership provision and the research reveals that mid-level BP leadership together with excellence coordinators are responsible for tracking dialogue and knowledge exchange initiatives. The paper also contains an extensive assessment of learning cycle, and this illustrates that the learning sequence is prior to, during and subsequent to any experience and is supported by straightforward process tools. The paper recommends that it is crucial for BP to facilitate sharing of knowledge within its highest quality, in order not to sacrifice integrity of the company and the entire knowledge management system. The group needs to assign more individuals who will be responsible for reviewing, approving and enhancing quality of knowledge and learning cycle before it is shared to other personnel. However, the paper acknowledges that knowledge and learning scheme at BP has resulted in gains amounting to more than hundreds of billions of dollars mostly due to informal personnel networks, in addition to supplementary workplace practices. Introduction BP is among the world leading global oil and Gas Company and it offers its clients with energy for transportation, retail services plus petrochemicals products. The company makes annual sales and additional operating revenues amounting to $375,517 million as of last year. BP has over 83.400 employees spread in over 30 nations with retail sites totalling 21800 (BP Global, 2012). The company has two business segments, which are exploration, production/ refining and Marketing. However, a detached business referred to as, Alternative Energy deals with low-carbon businesses as well as future growth alternatives of oil and gas, such as solar, wind, hydrogen, and bio-fuels. The company business activities are structured into four key areas, comprising the upstream, the downstream, the chemicals, and the gas and power divisions. They all add up to around 150 self-directed bus iness units.Ã BP organizational structure has changed considerably to be more of an entrepreneurial emphasized business unit. Thus, the company board sets up the goals, come up with broader policy measures, and monitors the group CEO performance (Groot, 2009). However, the board does not manage the group businesses, but it delegates responsibility and executive authority to a single point, that of the CEO who is then responsible for refining and marketing affairs. The argument by BP is that a flat organization enables faster decisions making, and at the same time encourages entrepreneurial creativity from its employees along with ideas being managed better. Below the chief executive officer there is the group vice president along with the senior group vice president in charge of safety and operations, and below them there are regional vice presidents whereby individuals such as refinery managers report directly to them. Thus, every business unit contains a high level of independe nce. nevertheless they all share logic of interdependence, in addition to awareness that so as to fulfil their performance goals they will have to become skilled at both from and by each-other. The central corporate organization helps and supports individual business units, and as such individual performance contracts play a crucial role. This brings out commitment to a set of
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